The Voice of Switzerland

Renato Araujo sings a song in Swiss-German and impresses the coaches on the reality show.

Esse MusicBar

Renato Araujo & Trio live in Winterthur.

Paris 6 Burlesque

The Voice: The Reunion.

Ich schänke Dir es Lied

A special night of the program I gift you a song!

Show Livre

Release of the single 'Saudade.

Falcone  Release

Live release of Renato Araujo's second album.

Marc Sway invites.

Renato Araujo sings in the show with the singer Marc Sway.

Festival de Verão

Renato Araujo & Band perform at the Summer Festival in Lucerne, Switzerland, organized by Lank and Music.

Thurgau Newspaper

Interview with the singer Renato Araujo.

Radio SRF3

LuaSol on SRF3 Radio.

Kino Rex

Renato Araujo & Vendaval at the Kino Rex Theater.

The Heartkhor Choir

Renato Araujo's Heart Choir.

Quarteto SoVoZ

Acapella Group in Zurich city.

Züri Fäscht

Renato Araujo performed at one of the biggest street festivals, the Zurich Festival.

Vendaval Band

Renato Araujo & Trio, and the hit song called 'Vendaval.'

Plüsch invites.

Ritschi from the Swiss band Plüsch invites Renato Araujo to attend his show.


A social project in Switzerland that helps underprivileged children in Bahia.

Züri Singt

Every year-end, young singers gather to sing outdoors in the city.

Gabriellas song

Tribute to Emil Steinberger on Swiss TV SRF.

Reto's Party

The rapper Reto invites Renato Araujo for a guest performance.

Tribute to the great talents.

An evening where Brazilian artists were honored on Swiss soil.

Momento Latino

Brasil Flash TV International interviews singer Renato Araujo.


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